A series of events, coincidences and decisions condensed into a two-dimensional plane is popularly called “a photograph”. It is a cutaway from “real life” captured and executed in a version of a renewed reality and coloured in by the photographer.
“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more than reality”.
This “new reality” comes to us daily in the form of hundreds of photographs in attempts to touch, amaze, shock and sometimes manipulate us. Never before have so many photos been made as there are now, and they are so easy to make and distribute.
Today, technology’s role in this is unprecedented and while I also abhor it, it is also a blessing. The bits and bytes that seem so far away from my penchant for aesthetics simultaneously give me a great tool to excite and challenge me. How wonderful, after so many years in this profession, to still be able to immerse myself in this and to stand out in the current storm of visual language and create “my reality” in time and space.